Kansas Wetlands Education Center

Want a unique nature experience? Then, visit the Kansas Wetlands Education Center. KWEC overlooks Cheyenne Bottoms; the largest inland marsh in the United States and a Ramsar designated, Wetland of International Importance.
Located at 592 NE K-156 Highway near Great Bend, KS.
Are you ready for the ultimate experience? Take a tour of the Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area and the Cheyenne Bottoms Preserve. During migration seasons, have your breath taken away as thousands of shorebirds or waterfowl take flight. While driving the miles of dikes and roads, you may see American Avocets, Long-Billed Dowitchers, and much more right out your car window.

From inside the Center or out, watch Great Blue Herons stalking prey or Mallards tending their young. Submerge yourself in the wetland experience by walking to the observation point. Naturalists will be on hand to enhance your visit and answer questions.