Education & Outreach
Here at the Sternberg Museum of Natural History, we believe in our motto of Excitement in Education through Exploration. As part of the Museum’s mission, the education department focuses on engaging learning opportunities in the earth and life sciences. Almost all of our educational programs and activities provide children and adults with a chance to get hands-on with science, engaging the learners in everyone.
Join us on your next visit to the Museum and get hands-on in the Discovery Room, or for one of our many monthly programs. Are you an educator or a parent looking for fun and exciting educational activities with your classroom, group, or children? We offer exciting educational programs, tours, and activities under the dome, on the nature trails, and on the road. We also offer exciting day and residential summer camp programs for 1st-12th grade students, and science-themed travel programs for adults aged 21 and over. Dive into natural history in the Sternberg Museum Metaverse. Explore a time in history, or visit the virtual museum with your friends. We appreciate your interest in the educational programs at the Sternberg Museum. Contact the Education Manager, Alicia Gaede at algaede@fhsu.edu.
Education and Outreach Staff
Naturalist & Education Manager
Email: algaede@fhsu.edu
Paleontology Operations Manager
Email: ijtrevethan@fhsu.edu
Museum Assistant Director For Science Camps
Email: dalevering@fhsu.edu