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Book a Tour
Come to the Sternberg Museum and experience a tour with experienced staff. Group Tours (min. of 12 people) are available as a part of the Sternberg experience. Guided tours last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, after which participants are welcome to spend any additional amount of time they wi... more

My name is Marjie cone, and I just became a WFR! Now, when I say that people hear “woofer” and ask me if I train dogs or something like that. No, no dogs here. I took a Wilderness First Responder course (hence WFR), and I now have basic medical training for remote outdoor settings. This is definitel... more

Hello everyone, my name is Maggie Wolf, and I am a freshman at the University of Evansville majoring in Biology. I attended the Sternberg Paleontology, Southwest Biology and Expedition Ecuador camps, all of which provided me with amazing experiences and helped me learn more about the things I love. ... more

Welcome to the Sternberg Science Camps Blog! My name is David. I’m the Director and lead instructor for the Sternberg Science Camps. Let me tell you, in abbreviated fashion, how a pop-up book brought me to Kansas. When I was three years old, living in California, my uncle got me a pop-up book of... more